Another Belated Happy New Year

It seems I am getting good at missing festivities by several weeks…

2014 is already beginning to look like my busiest year to date. In addition to the rigmarole of upgrading apartments and tracking down post-Christmas furniture sales, the deadline for my Ph.D confirmation is rapidly approaching. Between cramming my entire Ph.D coursework requirement into a 1-year period and teaching both semesters, 2013 was admittedly a year where my Ph.D research took lower priority than it should have… That being said, I am now in the position of piecing together a journal article detailing the first component of my project, so things should be back on schedule very soon!

To keep myself in the habit of keeping this website up-to-date, I have completely overhauled my personal interests page to more accurately reflect my current hobbies, interests and philosophies on life. Next on the to-update list is my horrendously outdated projects page, which currently mentions nothing of my last year of work. Expect these updates in late February.

With that out of the road, I’d like to wish everybody a happy, safe and prosperous 2014! And finally, if you are currently reading this from South Africa or Kenya, please contact me to enlighten me as to why a full one-third of my web traffic from the last month is very suddenly originating from your beautiful countries!

One Response to “Another Belated Happy New Year”

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  1. Lyn Budden says:

    A great page and a very Happy New Year to you as well, It is only June 9 2014, so what’s a half a year amongst friends. It sounds like life and studies are extremely busy and rewarding for you, after a rushed start to 2014. I have so much more to read through your web pages, but I find myself learning so much as I read further and deeper into your pages. Thank you for keeping us all up to date with your Progress, toward you end goal. I will check in again soon, to see what new and exciting things you can still teach us. Thank you David Budden, for inspiring us in your Field.
    Cheers till next time.


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